Thursday 22 May 2014

CORRIE - LEGO kills Tina?

While we all wait on the edge of our sofas until Feb 2015 (Let's hope we all have comfy seating at home!) to find out who killed Lucy Beale in EastEnders... Coronation Street are being a whole lot quicker when letting the cat out of the bag in their murder mystery. 

According to Digital Spy, fans will find out who will be responsible for Tina's grisly end on the night of the televised murder - where four endings have already been filmed. 

Peter Barlow, Carla Barlow, Tracy Barlow and Rob Donovan (well, he broke the Barlow chain...) have all been named as the possible suspects

Fans can watch each of the possible endings here, with only one being aired on the night (May 27th). 

My favourite part, so far, in the 'Who killed Tina' saga has to be this: 

At Manchester's Legoland Discovery Centre, visitors can see each of the suspects and the scene where Tina battles with every one of them, all made from LEGO. 

So, Jolly's, who do you think pushes Tina over the edge?

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