Friday 12 September 2014

Hollyoaks - Will Carmel pay for Theresa's crime?

So this week we saw Theresa's gamble jail break! What did you think? 

For me, it was all a little non-believable. And I hate to say it, as I love to champion Hollyoaks usually. 

The part that was most unbelievable for me was Mercedes' dress up as a doctor - especially her gaining entry into the hospital wards by grabbing a pass from around a 'fellow' doctors' neck without him noticing the tug... Hmm. 

Anyhow, they managed to get pregnant-by-a-prison-guard Theresa out, and with an orange skinned, blonde Myra whacking Sonny over the head... The girls made a short lived getaway. 

As you know if you watched the ep - Sonny returned, cuffed Theresa to a radiator in Browning's old flat and told the McQueen's that the police were on their way. Carmel (after making Sonny promise to not arrest Mercedes, Myra and Phoebe for their parts) then toddled off with her mean man and Theresa's daughter, Kathleen Angel. 

Now this is where my inner soap storyliner comes into play...

We know that a re-arrested Theresa is making a permanent Hollyoaks comeback. And that Carmel (and Mercedes) are off. But how? 

My theories:

Sonny either harms Carmel, which gives way to her exit, and gets arrested...making way for his 'surprise' exit, possibly? And therefore Theresa appeals as she was caught by a bent cop...and she's back giggling and fluttering in the village. 


The McQueen family somehow turn against Carmel, due to her betrayal, and set her up (again, somehow), leaving her languishing in prison for Theresa's crime. Now, this ones a tall order considering that everyone knows that Carmel didn't  kill Calvin, as she was taking part in their first dance with him, while he was shot. But hey, we've all learned that ANYTHING can happen in soapland, right? 

This now leaves the mystery as to how Mercedes leaves the village? Will it be linked to Carmel's exit or will she, too, join her mum and sister over in Alicante?

It seems the Spanish island is becoming McQueen Paradise! 

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