Friday 6 June 2014

HOLLYOAKS - Jason Roscoe in body dysmorphia hell

A little while back, we saw Jason Roscoe having a troubled time in regards to his body, and Hollyoaks are returning to this story, on a much bigger scale.

Never being a soap (Britain's best, they'll have you know!) to shy away from hard-hitting topics, next week we will see Jason become more and more obsessed with his body, developing a distorting image of the way he looks.

Alfie-Brown Sykes has recently given Digital Spy an interview, explaining all about his big story.

In it he reveals how Jason gets into buying steroids, with his elder brother, Freddie, accidentally gets him involved.

"Freddie gets Jason involved completely by accident... What you've seen over the past few months is Jason getting increasingly disgusted with his own image. Not only is it a physical thing where he feels weaker than all of the other make figures around him, he also feels emasculated a lot of the time. He thinks that by taking steroids and becoming a big, bulky guy, people won't look at him in that way anymore."

The Roscoe's are sure to be at the forefront of the show once again, with Robbie and Jason's dad having arrived, and their mum, Sandy, soon to depart.

Alfie says that he also has an idea on who killed Fraser Black. But it's "still top secret!"



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