Tuesday, 16 September 2014

EASTENDERS - Who killed Lucy update!

The big boss has spoken. EastEnders producer, Dominic Treadwell-Collins has revealed that the suspect list in the Lucy Beale murder mystery will soon become much smaller.

In fact, on New Years Day, it will become apparent as to who isn't the culprit.

With the big reveal set to happen in Feburary next year, tying in with the show's 30th birthday, DTC has made it very clear that the anniversary celebration has to be perfect.

He also revealed that the initial killer was changed when they first started planning the story, as it didn't 'come from the heart.'

Dominic told Inside Soap magazine:

"When we first talked about the story, there was one killer - but something did not fit right about that person. It was a very clever idea, but it didn't come from the heart.So Sharon Batten (story producer), Alex Lamb (story producer) Manpreet Dosanjh (script producer) and I locked ourselves away in a hotel room to come up with an alternative killer.
It feels emotionally right, true and very exciting. From that moment it's been locked in, and we would not cheat the audience by changing it now."

As for keeping the plot a secret, Dom said: "The hardest thing is when people have thrown their theories at me and got it right. It's so difficult to keep your cool and pretend not to care."

Hmm... let's put our detective hats back on, shall we?



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