Monday 25 August 2014

EASTENDERS - Fire to change Kat's life

A mystery arsonist will ruin the life of Kat Slater when they set fire to the house she shares with her family.

Kat is known to be caught up in the flames, escaping with serious and life changing burns. It is not known whether Alfie, their new twin boys or son Tommy will be in the house at the time - nor Stacey, Lily or Big Mo.

Kat's life is about to change forever

Jessie Wallace, who plays Kat, will begin to wear special effects make-up to portray the burns in which she suffers. The aftermath is also said to take an emotional toll on Kat, and cause a major shift for the character.

I don't yet have any incline about who would do such a thing to the Slater house - but Stacey will have a few enemies on her return to the Square, in the form of Roxy Mitchell, for one, or is it to do with the key she asked Lauren to look after before she went into prison?
Could the arsonist be after Alfie, who we've seen try to participate in dodgy deals to make money for his family?

What do you all think?




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