Tuesday, 22 July 2014

BIG BROTHER - Nominations so far...

So, the new Power Housemate, Ashleigh, had to choose an ally yesterday - and Chris became her right-hand man. Together, they had to pick the first person to face eviction this week...

Stand up, Steven!

There was no real surprise, really, that Steven was chosen, as Ashleigh has the housemates that she wants to put up decided in her mind already, I'm sure.

Ashleigh and Chris then had to expand their harem of power by adding a third wheel, and they chose Mark, which slightly took me by surprise, as Mark is friendly with some of those who Ashleigh doesn't like too well, I assumed they would want Christopher in alliance with them.

This morning, it has been announced that the second person chosen to face the public vote is - surprise, surprise - Ash!

I'm guessing that one more housemate will be chosen for eviction, putting three up on the block. Who that will be remains a mystery, but I would already put money on Steven being evicted come Friday.

That is, unless, Big Brother has another sneaky twist up his sleeve...

Who do you want to see out next?




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