Wednesday, 29 April 2015

BIG BROTHER is back with a TIMEBOMB!

It's nearly summer. No, not because of the lighter evenings or the sunny days (apart from this morning!) but because Big Brother is almost upon us! 

Emma and Rylan introduced this year's theme as Timebomb...with the BB Twitter page stating that 'Time may be your friend... Or enemy'. But what does it mean?

The new 30-second trail - click to watch it here! - states that the world is awash with 'time based disturbances' while Emma promises that 'Days will turn into nights, time will stop, rewind and tasks will get turned on their heads'...

Big Brother has been, in my opinion, at its best, in a long while, since Emma was put at the helm. But that doesn't go without dramas, and over the last couple of series', B producers have had to step in to remove housemates (civilian and celebrity, alike) for various reasons, from race rows to sexism.
But this year, with a new creative director in Denis O'Connor, who was previously the shows executive producer, an 'upbeat, glamorous, thrilling and mischievous' new series has been promised.

And with Channel 5 having signed its best Big Brother for at least another three years, the show is sure to go from strength to strength?

I've always enjoyed the debates BB gets going in us, as viewers. You never meet two people who have the same favourite and least favourite housemates, and it's interesting to see people's differing opinions on the actions of the housemates.

Last year was a proving point, as Helen Wood went into the house as someone who we all thought would be brash, loud and horrid. But to be fair to her, she won... And even under her brash, loud (albeit sometimes horrid!) behavior, she turned peoples opinions with her honesty and friendship loyalties - which seem to have continued out of the house.
Did you see coverage of the 'Steverly' wedding? I can't believe last years house couple made it down the aisle... It must have been love and it's nice to see them prove people wrong about a showmance. However... Helen wasn't shy in shaming ex-housemates, Mark and Jale... But that's someone else's story!

Are you looking forward to this year's Big Brother: Timebomb?




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