Friday, 6 June 2014


So, Launch Night number two began with the promise from last night, that we would meet six new housemates and powerful Pauline - handpicked by us, the viewers - would have to make a decision that would change the Big Brother house, forever and ever and ever and... well, you get the gist!

Host Emma Willis had already said that this is a twist that's never been tried ('at this stage,' she told Rylan on BBOTS, last night) before now.

My guess is that maybe Powerful P will have to choose to evict a housemate after only one day and night. From memory and a little research, I can't remember this happening before.

In 2010, Laura McAdams, walked after just over 100 hours in the compound - if you can't remember Laura (and who can blame you!) then you can take a look back in history, here.

On one hand, I hope I'm wrong as I'd quite like to get to know every single person in this bunch a whole lot more, rather than one getting booted at the earliest of hurdles.

Pauline was brought into the control room and told that she's going to make a 'momentous decision' once the remaining six new housemates had entered the house. 

Powerful P is going to grant one housemate a pass to go straight to the FINAL. To which she said 'I wish it was me!'

WOW. That's a whole lot better than my idea!

Excitedly, Emma then introduced the first of tonight's new housemates.

Welcome Toya. A YouTube blogger who seems to know exactly what she wants in life. I like her at first looks, and so did the crowd. She's after a 'hot totty' and would ration smokers' ciggies. If any men catch Toya's eye, let's hope they stay on her right side. She's sold an ex's belongings on eBay before now - and sent him the link in case he wanted to buy them back! 

Chris was next in. An actor who plays 'psycho clowns'... Oh dear! He also has terrible jokes! I think he'll end up being quite funny to watch, ironically. He had the cheek to ask Emma for a kiss before entering the house - and with that and his peck, he was on his way in!

Third in was Ashleigh, a model. At 18, she's the youngest housemate - ditsy, but 'not stupid.' She said that she can have a bad temper, but seems quite sweet. It's also her first time away from home. Awh. 

In fourth tonight was Marlon, who has an alter-ego, with a name change when he goes out! He loves ladies, too, so luckily for him there are plenty of those in the house! Although anyone under a 7/10 isn't his 'cup of tea.' Excuse us! He reckons that no one will be able to stab him in the back in the house as he's 'always one step ahead.' There was a mixed reaction from the crowd, but I don't think he cared either way. Marlon loves Marlon. And that's all that matters, I guess!

Next we met Ash who says girls are usually 'all over him...' Him and Marlon will either be best friends or enemies! Having never done a hard days work in his life, and stating that things just 'come to him,' Ash had better get ready for Pauline's Power Trip! Talking to Emma, he tried to redeem himself, but he's going to have to work harder... Pauline liked him best so far, though, so maybe he's worked his magic quicker than expected?

Our last housemate was Jale who doesn't like middle lane drivers, she talks for England and finds it hard to live with people. Great start there! She even admitted to having had a taser and a BB gun pulled out on her. Blimey! Any task Big Brother sets will be a breeze for this girl! 

Once all the housemates were in, Pauline had to make her decision. OMG. Who's she going to grant a free pass to the final?!

I honestly don't know who I'd choose. It's a hard one, but then again, no one has ever said Big Brother was easy. 

But Pauline did know who to choose and picked HELEN

A good decision, I think. It could be a whole lot worse. I said last night that Helen seemed down to earth. I just hope this doesn't change how she's been so far. 

Gathered in the garden, Helen was told that she had been chosen, for what she did not yet know. 

She had to enter a glass box where she was told her fate to the eruption of squeaks from the housemates and gold confetti, while Pauline (who I also already hope gets to the final), sat in the control room, and cried tears of joy. 

Helen was ecstatic. 

Pauline was then told that, on Sunday, she would be immune from eviction and would also have a killer nomination. 

Whoever she picks will be up for eviction each and every week. Double OMG (OMG)! This is all unknown to her fellow housemates. 

What a night! And it's only just the beginning!

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