Friday, 18 September 2015

CBB: Twist of the Eviction

Tonight - all housemates face eviction and the public (that's us!) have been voting to save our fave, but this is no normal eviction... No, tonight the four housemates with the most votes will indeed be saved, whereas the five unlucky ones left will face an ultimate battle of survival.

This battle has been kept under secret lock and key, but Emma Willis has promised that it's HUGE and will cause (even more!) fireworks.
Let's hope it won't cause too many though, as the best part is, that the whole thing will play out live tonight.

I think that Natasha, James, and Sherrie will be saved, along with either Bobby or Janice. I did think Chloe&Stevi, but with Chloe's behaviour this week, I'm not sure the public will want to keep the pair in any longer.
Not in a horrid way, but because it's clear that Chloe Jasmine is very, very vulnerable and insecure. I've winced while watching her cry inconsolably one minute to bouncing off the walls the next. Now, I'm no psychiatrist and I rarely agree with much that Jenna Jameson says in the house, but Chloe's moods are so quick to change and far apart from each other, that I'd be very surprised if she wasn't suffering from some kind of mental health issue, such as Bipolar Disorder. It's hard viewing, and must be even harder to live with.
Stevi looks like he's constantly walking on eggshells around her, and the need he feels to pander to her and give constant reassurance must be tiring... I feel sorry for them both, but think that Chloe would be best to leave the house, and if Stevi was in there alone, maybe he could have a freer experience?

The rest of the house have also been commenting on how Farrah has been 'much nicer' to live with since she and Jenna returned. They have been a tad better behaved (or maybe we just haven't seen the kick offs) but I think it's Jenna who's changed the most, because she genuinely looked embarrassed and hurt by the fact that the joke was on them while in the secret part of the house.
Jenna's a smart woman and she's savvy to the world - so to have BB get one over on her must have hurt her pride, and maybe in hindsight she saw that the nasty things she was saying were actually very uncalled for. I also hope that she's seen Farrah as the stuck-up, whiny adult-child that she is. Jenna seems a loyal person, so she will stick by Farrah's side while they're in the house together. It's a shame as she could have gone far in the game, but I wonder now if it's too little, too late for her to fully redeem herself.

Then there's Janice, who is a law unto herself and TV gold. Yes, she's in her own world, and people let her get away with lots more (except Austin, who calls almost anyone out!) but I think the British public like Janice enough to allow her to be the last American standing in CBB this year. Austin will be behind her, as second American, but the Brits will rule overall.
Austin had a rough one this week, too, with his brother's anniversary, and the Chloe Jasmine hoo-ha. I agreed that Chloe could have stood by the door while they toasted, if she didn't want to be part of the toast, because of her problems with alcohol, and it was a fair comment to make when Austin said that she had been around alcohol for her entire time in the house, and even Stevi drinking around her, so it hurt him that she missed three minutes of a special time for him. I don't actually think this had anything to do with alcohol, and that it was more that Chloe couldn't deal with the thought of the housemates toasting the anniversary of Austin's brother's death, and the sadness and emotion of it all.
Again, highlighting to me that she does have issues a lot deeper than alcoholism.

With a packed week ending in tonight's live battle of survival, it'll be interesting viewing tonight... Come on Team UK!




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