Friday, 17 July 2015

BIG BROTHER: Well done Chloe!

The 'normal' lass won... And yeah, I'm really pleased!

To be honest, especially after this last week, I thought it could have been anyone's game... And all six finalists did deserve their places, and I think it's been a good couple of years that I've thought that.

My least favourite was probably Nick, just because I feel that for such a massive fan of the show, he allowed his time to be dominated by various (okay two!) people. Firstly Jade for a while - although that friendship, you could tell especially when she came back for the task this week, will last. Those two are mates for life. Then, obviously, Harry. Again, they both seem smitten, so lets see how it goes. I just feel that he didn't stand on his own two feet at all while there, but then maybe that's just Nick.
Close after Nick, m least favourite was Joel. Now, the wannabe Prime Minister did make me laugh endlessly with his 'slut drops' and general dancing... He was hilarious at times, and even when he 'debated' with housemates, he was entertaining. But I didn't like the way Joel was already a politician. I couldn't warm to him, because I felt he was constantly saying what he thought he should say, and he was very clever with his words and actions. I like 'real housemates... Ones who mess up, say things they shouldn't, do things which they then regret. Just like we all do in life.

Jack and Cristian was next on my fave list.
Because he walked away with the £23,900, I didn't think Jack would win... Even if his popularity was still as high as it was in the beginning. People may have thought 'well, he has a lot of cash, anyway, so maybe we'll vote for another winner...' I do think, by this point, however, Jack was no longer as popular as the early days, but he was still a great housemate in my eyes. I could still laugh for about twenty minutes, even now, at the sight of his spray tanning treatment! And this week, the other housemates have been playfully getting at him, nicking his case of cash and generally ribbing him, and Jack's taken it well. Pie Face smashed it towards the end!
Cristian was always pleasant to watch, and where I can understand why people would say he's 'on the fence' and didn't so much, I think he did what he had to do. He said himself that he wasn't in there to pretend to be anyone else, and why should he?
Jasmine Lennard said some really lovely things about Cristian when she left after her Hotel BB stay - and it wasn't all to do with their raunchy kisses! He seems a sweet, caring lad, who also has some insecurities. And for a very good looking, obviously intelligent man, it's refreshing to see.

That then leaves Danny and Chloe as my two top faves. And I didn't mind who won out of the two, up until a couple of days ago, when I hoped that Chloe would just edge it.
I always felt that Danny got a bit of a bad rap online - especially Digital Spy - who constantly seemed to pick at him, I think.
Always trying to speak as I find, I found Dan to be a gent, caring, and a good mate to those in the house. Yes, he had some bad moments where he lost his temper and made comments that could offend someone - but who hasn't in life? And this is what I said at the beginning, about Joel. I like someone who's real in the BB house, and Dan seemed real to me. That's why I was rooting for him all the way,
It's also why I was rooting for Chloe on par, too. She was 'normal' and was slated for being so, by Marc especially. But as she once asked in the house: 'What's wrong with being normal?' The answer is absolutely nothing.
It was when Chloe's 'best bits' were shown that I realised just how much she had been through in the house, and was a breathe of fresh air. She was fun, outspoken - and again, had tears and arguments.

Maybe that's why she - and 'normal' - won!





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