Wednesday, 29 July 2015

EASTENDERS: Max knows who?

EastEnders has really lift the lid on Lucy's murder storyline once again, even more than we could have imagined.
With last week's twists and turns, by Friday it could've been an easy guess that Max Branning would be the unlucky EastEnder to be charged with her murder. And he was...

I love how the writers have managed to make it such uneasy viewing. That's really clever. It's awkward, as we watch the Beale's watch Max in court, knowing he's innocent. Phil's digs about it in Ian's ear making him (and us) squirm even more.
Then there's Abi. Always a daddy's girl, until now, who also knows that she's lied about Max pressuring her to keep quiet about his whereabouts on Good Friday 2014. Ab's really wants to be a Mitchell, but even Mitchell's by marriage aren't really Mitchell's. Phil still keeps Sharon at arms length when needs be, and he's known and loved her for years, regardless of them now being man and wife. Sharon was a Mitchell with Grant and now a Mitchell again, but when it comes down to it, Mitchell blood is always thicker. This was even proved with Billy turning Jay in last night, even if it was for selfish reasons to keep Lola.

Which, by the way, I don't think was a great exit. Lola and Jay were meant to be in new young love, and she's just gone to Newcastle, leaving him in Walford nick, not even checking he's okay or when he will be released? It seemed rushed, in my opinion, and the character deserved a more fitting exit than one slapped in the middle of an already charged episode. #JustSaying.

Back to Max, however, and it looks like right now, he's only got Stacey on his side. Even Carol didn't go to see him in court and has a niggling doubt.
Ian and Jane need to be careful, too, as they don't seem angered or shocked enough that their Lucy's killer has supposedly been found. I think this is a clever quip from the story team, too, because it's keeping us wondering if one of them will crumble. As a viewer, who knows the whole story, they're not acting right, so to characters who don't know the full shebang, especially the people of the Square who are really clued one (Mick Carter being one to already call Ian out...) will surely notice their behavior is a little hit an miss?

Before the 'duff duff' last night, Max called Stacey and pleaded with her that he didn't kill Lucy. We know that, Stacey believes that, but what we weren't bargaining for was the line 'but I know who did'.
Who Max? Who?
Of course we know it was Bobby the Staircase-Boy, but does Max?

It's all in his eyes... and the things he hears on the stairs...

This is the clever thing with Max, because he might well think he knows who murdered Lucy, but he'd also not think twice about framing someone else, either. Especially after being back-stabbed by his own daughter.
It was an unfortunate twist of fate that caused Lucy's blood to be on Max's shoes, and word online is saying that he might believe Abi did it. Or did he see more than we realise on the night Lucy was killed by her brother? Does Max think Jane did it?
I guess we'll find out tomorrow, but Stacey will help Max, that is a given. He helped her escape when she admitted killing Archie, so she owes a lot to Max, not to mention their history together.

I'm enjoying the way that EastEnders are getting viewers excited about the Lucy case again, even though all the secrets have now been told (we think!).
What's more is Bobby and his creepy, innocent-but-not-so-innocent, look. Shouting 'Die Die Die' at the computer game, in the exact spot his sister died, just as Ian came home was a stroke of genius. Then his 'have I said something wrong?' when mentioning going to University one day... The little actor, Eliot Carrington, who plays him is doing a great job. 

As I keep saying, whether it's through overhearing conversations, or in a premeditated way, Bobby the Staircase-Boy knows more than the Beale's think!





Tuesday, 21 July 2015

EASTENDERS: Lucy, Lucy, what would you do?

It feels like an age since the EastEnders live episode - and it kind of has been since it was all the way back in February...

Now, five months later, and the police still haven't charged anyone with her murder. Probably because they're not looking for an 11-year-old boy, who creeps around on staircases!
Anyhow, last week, as innocent Ben was arrested (and Marsden returned...) the Old Bill were pleased that they thought they had their man. I say innocent, because in this case, he really is.
I wondered, when the whispers of a secret arrest were, well, whispering, if it would be Ben. What a moral dilemma that would leave Ian in. His brother, getting arrested for killing his daughter, when he actually knew that it was his young son who did it, and his wife covered it up. It's like an episode of EastEnders... Oh, wait...

Anyhow, last night's episode gave me more than I expected it would. It was humorous in places. I loved Ben's sarky comments to Marsden, especially. And Phil's little quips to the 'filth'. Marsden was also unprofessional on many levels, but she wants a Mitchell. She always has. Phil, to be precise, but as he always seems to fall free from her handcuffed clutches, his son must be the next best thing for her.
The police did a deal with an immigrant cab-driver witness, and as he spoke to Keeble, he then noticed Max Branning, who was dropping Abi off to see how Ben was getting on. Another one I had already wondered on being in the frame...
Keeble took this info to Marsden, who only seemed interested in Ben.  But with someone due to be charged with Lucy's murder in next Tuesday episode - and more twists promised - will Max be the one to take the brunt?
Jake Wood is taking a sabbatical from the soap for a while, and it would most definitely be easier on the Beale's to allow Max to go down, instead of one of their own... Lauren is also due to return this year, I think, so this could also aid her return.

Another way last night's episode made me think differently was Bobby. The real killer.
Jane has always protested that she covered up for Bobby as she didn't want him to know that he killed his sister, or wanted him to be punished for a crime that was an accident.
But it wasn't... Bobby said it himself. 'She made people unhappy...'
When Bobs whacked Lucy with her jewelry box, he wanted to hurt her and wanted her to stop making people he loved sad. A jury would argue that, even though he was a child, he calculated it, even if it was in a split second. Since the reveal, we've seen Bobby give longing glances and listen in on his favourite hideaway - the stairs - to all and sundry that's happening in the Beale living room.
Last night, he also overheard Jane and Cindy in the kitchen, he clocked Lucy's purse and phone that Jane had kept hidden (and wanted to plant to frame Ben, until she back-tracked on herself), he keeps asking questions...
Bobby seems to be a bright kid. He's already asked whether he killed Lucy, so it's still in his mind.

Tonight, Bobby turns on Phil, in a nasty rage. When Phil realises that Jane has been hiding the purse and phone, instead of ridding it, he wonders why and confronts her. That's when Bobby overhears and goes to defend Jane, warning Phil to leave his mum alone.

Bobby has a fit of rage... again!

What will Phil make of Bobby's behaviour? And if Jane manages to control her son, before it's too late, what will she and Ian make of it, too?
They know that he's already killed Lucy, and must have been angry with her to hit her, without provoking...
If you ask me, little Bobster knows more about what he's doing than he lets on. Remember the moment Jane turned round and Bobby said 'Whatever she says, it was her fault...'? 

He did NOT sound remorseful, or frightened, as you  would imagine an innocent child, who had simply lashed out, would feel. This give EastEnders a mountain of storylines to go down, if not now, then definitely in the future... 
Will Bobby kill again, when he's older - will he reveal that he knew he had killed his sister all along - and allowed his parents to cover for him, will he one day admit all, and take Jane (and the rest of the Beale's) down with him?

As I said in the title... What would Lucy do?





Friday, 17 July 2015

BIG BROTHER: Well done Chloe!

The 'normal' lass won... And yeah, I'm really pleased!

To be honest, especially after this last week, I thought it could have been anyone's game... And all six finalists did deserve their places, and I think it's been a good couple of years that I've thought that.

My least favourite was probably Nick, just because I feel that for such a massive fan of the show, he allowed his time to be dominated by various (okay two!) people. Firstly Jade for a while - although that friendship, you could tell especially when she came back for the task this week, will last. Those two are mates for life. Then, obviously, Harry. Again, they both seem smitten, so lets see how it goes. I just feel that he didn't stand on his own two feet at all while there, but then maybe that's just Nick.
Close after Nick, m least favourite was Joel. Now, the wannabe Prime Minister did make me laugh endlessly with his 'slut drops' and general dancing... He was hilarious at times, and even when he 'debated' with housemates, he was entertaining. But I didn't like the way Joel was already a politician. I couldn't warm to him, because I felt he was constantly saying what he thought he should say, and he was very clever with his words and actions. I like 'real housemates... Ones who mess up, say things they shouldn't, do things which they then regret. Just like we all do in life.

Jack and Cristian was next on my fave list.
Because he walked away with the £23,900, I didn't think Jack would win... Even if his popularity was still as high as it was in the beginning. People may have thought 'well, he has a lot of cash, anyway, so maybe we'll vote for another winner...' I do think, by this point, however, Jack was no longer as popular as the early days, but he was still a great housemate in my eyes. I could still laugh for about twenty minutes, even now, at the sight of his spray tanning treatment! And this week, the other housemates have been playfully getting at him, nicking his case of cash and generally ribbing him, and Jack's taken it well. Pie Face smashed it towards the end!
Cristian was always pleasant to watch, and where I can understand why people would say he's 'on the fence' and didn't so much, I think he did what he had to do. He said himself that he wasn't in there to pretend to be anyone else, and why should he?
Jasmine Lennard said some really lovely things about Cristian when she left after her Hotel BB stay - and it wasn't all to do with their raunchy kisses! He seems a sweet, caring lad, who also has some insecurities. And for a very good looking, obviously intelligent man, it's refreshing to see.

That then leaves Danny and Chloe as my two top faves. And I didn't mind who won out of the two, up until a couple of days ago, when I hoped that Chloe would just edge it.
I always felt that Danny got a bit of a bad rap online - especially Digital Spy - who constantly seemed to pick at him, I think.
Always trying to speak as I find, I found Dan to be a gent, caring, and a good mate to those in the house. Yes, he had some bad moments where he lost his temper and made comments that could offend someone - but who hasn't in life? And this is what I said at the beginning, about Joel. I like someone who's real in the BB house, and Dan seemed real to me. That's why I was rooting for him all the way,
It's also why I was rooting for Chloe on par, too. She was 'normal' and was slated for being so, by Marc especially. But as she once asked in the house: 'What's wrong with being normal?' The answer is absolutely nothing.
It was when Chloe's 'best bits' were shown that I realised just how much she had been through in the house, and was a breathe of fresh air. She was fun, outspoken - and again, had tears and arguments.

Maybe that's why she - and 'normal' - won!





HOLLYOAKS: Why was Steph sacked?

In the world of soap, it's all about continuity... If an actor decides to leave, or must stop working with short notice, it can cause havoc in the story room.

So, this morning, when it was announced that Hollyoaks' Stephanie Davis had been axed with 'immediate affect', it got people wondering what on earth she had done wrong... Especially as she had recently signed a new one-year contract.

Steph will not be filming anymore scenes as Sinead O'Connor, who has recently had a baby with her best mate Ste Hay.

A Hollyoaks spokesperson has commented: "Stephanie Davis will no longer be filming Hollyoaks. Her contract has been terminated with immediate effect."

And that's all... No more words and no explanation, which has left tongues wagging fast on social media.
But one thing is for certain, for Steph's contract to be terminated straight away, she must have done something which breaches that, whether it's professionally or personally.

With her mum Diane, and, most recently, cousin Scott in the village, what reason will be given for the characters departure, if it's all been so sudden?
Also, what will happen to Ste and Sinead's baby, Hannah?

I guess time will tell, and the rumour mill will most definitely be working overtime...

Any more gossip, any time soon, and I'll let you know!




Friday, 10 July 2015

CORONATION STREET: Deirdre and Anne's fitting goodbye

We all knew it was going to come, and this week it did.

After Anne Kirkbride passed away earlier this year, Corrie, working alongside Anne's family, have been working on a fitting end for one of the soap's most iconic characters.

When an actor passes away suddenly, or they have to leave their role without any warning, or a way to be given a proper send off on screen, it must be difficult for those behind the scenes to find a way to write their character away, for a while, or for good. But it must be even harder when that character is as well known and loved, just like Deirdre was.

In the back of my mind, I knew that Corrie would do Annie's memory justice, as they all loved her dearly. That you could tell from the tributes and raw upset at the awards ceremonies that have been since her passing. But I also worried that it may not 'live up' to expectations of the fans.

On Wednesday, when Bev arrived to tell Ken and Tracey the sad news, I braced myself on my sofa. Took a deep breath, if you like, because this was a big deal for many who were also sitting on their sofas, but also for Annie's family, and those she worked with for many years.
I think that when a storyline like this occurs, due to the actor no longer being with us in real life, too, it makes it all the more heartbreaking. I've cried at my favourite soap characters being killed off in the past before, because the story was so well told and emotive. It hasn't happened lots in my life, but there are one or two occasions when it's got me struck with tears.
This, on Wednesday, felt different, though.
When the news was broken, and Ken and Tracey broke down, it felt like watching as a fly on the wall, a real family being told of the death of their loved one. It was a scenario that, of course I wanted to watch, because I rationally knew that it was a soap, but I also had a small part of me that wanted to shy away, as though I shouldn't be watching this tender, personal moment.

And that is where Corrie did Annie proud. It was real.

The tears from Ken as he took Deirdre's glasses from Bev, and when he broke down to Steve, in the ginnel, as well as when Tracey broke into sobs towards the end of the episode... You could feel those emotions were as true to life as they were acted.

In the pub, where most of the other regular characters rallied, ready to celebrate Deidre's 60th birthday, I counted how many of them said her name. It was a hell of a lot! It was as though the writers wanted her name to leave the mouths of those characters just one last time.
The emotions here were also real, after Liz announced that her 'best friend' had died (and of course, they were best friends in real life, too), the line between character and actor was as thin as could be.

Last night's episode was lovely, too. The comedy of Corrie was still importantly there. Norris (of course!) and Lloyd being typical men, and thinking of their stomachs, even at a time like that... I also enjoyed the way that Steve took Ken into the back yard of the Rovers, bought him a drink out and later went for a walk with him. I thought that it was quite poignant that a character who had just overcome, and was still battling, depression found a strength in him to help someone who needed support.
I also have to touch on Simon Barlow's reaction, and the way his behaviour towards Leanne is escalating even more. It's going to be a hard hitting subject of domestic violence between a child and their parent. But his reaction is important, because, as he said: everyone he loves dies. He's become almost indifferent to it.

Towards the end of last night's episode, when the Rovers all lifted a toast 'to Deirdre', and the wind blew the doors open, as though Deirdre's presence was there, was also touching.
Some may scoff at that scene and say that it didn't need to be. But those who do believe in life after death will have smiled, maybe just to themselves, as that scene aired.

Tonight, and next week, will see the lead up to, and the actual funeral of Deirdre. I'm sure that will be just as gentle and emotive as the past two episodes have been.

It really was a great tribute, no big show, no massive drama. Just gentle, natural scenes, which did what they had to do perfectly, in my opinion.

Annie and Deirdre would have been proud. Blanche on the other hand... may have had something to say!




HOLLYOAKS: It's a triple whammy 20th birthday

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As Hollyoaks turns 20 in October, as expected there will be lots of drama, tears and secrets revealed, in a ways only Oaks can do it.

Firstly, the Gloved Hand killer will finally reveal themselves to us. As I've previously said, I think that the culprit could either now be Celine or Kim. I've been edging slightly more to Celine of late.
Why? Well, even though it was Phoebe who was the latest villain - and I was unsure if sweet Celine could kill one of her own - it was her actions afterwards that got me thinking.
Celine was quick to point the finger of blame at Tegan, getting her pal struck off for a while, during investigations. She then had to suddenly work on the morning of Phoebe's funeral and missed the service completely, only turning up to the wake. Could she not face her family's grief, knowing that she had caused?

Is Celine the Gloved Hand Killer?
Anyhow, in just over three months we will know who the murderer is. But the twisted story has been promised to not stop there.
Hollyoaks' executive producer Bryan Kirkwood commented: "Within the 20th birthday week, the Gloved Hand Killer will reveal themselves to the audience in a truly spine-tingling way. That story will then take off in a direction that I don't believe anyone is going to see coming."

Ooh - what could he mean?! 

Before the summer's out, however, the murderous medic will kill once more and as it's not just villains, but innocent people, too, who the Gloved Hand is after - no one's safe... 

Also, ready for the 20th celebrations, and keeping in with the tradition of Hollyoaks' Autumn stunt, will be a tragic white water accident, that will claim the lives of two big characters. 
Executive producer Bryan Kirkwood also had his say on this storyline, too: "In October we have our 20th birthday week and we're planning an epic autumn to mark this milestone. It was a real challenge to follow crashing that train, but my ambition for Hollyoaks remains as high as ever. We think this year will be even more nailbiting, heartbreaking and dramatic.
The birthday week will spiral into a thrilling Indiana Jones-style white water pursuit, marking the end of the journey for two of our biggest characters."

At first thought, I'm wondering whether or not this will live up to last years train smash, as it was so well done, action-fueled and emotive. 
Depending on who the characters are involved and the way the story pans out, I hope it has the legs (or flippers!) to be bigger than last year, as to be fair to Hollyoaks, each year since their Autumn big stunts began, they've upped the game constantly. 
I'll go out on a whim here and say that I doubt the McQueen's will be involved so heavily, as they took centre stage last year, and IF Celine is the Gloved Hand killer, then that could mean the whole family being involved there, at some point. Just a hunch, but the other almost as big a family as the McQueen's, is the Roscoe clan... Will one of the brothers lose their lives over the Autumn? Eek - I hope not! Which one? I just can't decide who to let go! 

Lastly, and maybe not so tied into the October birthday plots, is the new look village, and more prominently, the new city wall...

This will soon be some poor villagers final resting place!

With the new look Loft and the new wall, we can see the village from
a whole new angle...

A walkway has been added to the set, in the aftermath of the new look (and very pink!) Loft, meaning we get an extra bit of Hollyoaks on our screens. 
This wall, however, will soon be a centre point, as another (another!) poor Oaks'er will find themselves buried between the bricks!
While nothing has been released on who the victim will be, or who the character is concealing the body, I'm wondering two theories... 

We know that Trevor's son, Dylan, is leaving the soap soon. Trev is going to be mortified and angry when he discovers that Dylan cross-dresses, but will it be enough to kill him? Accidentally, maybe? While I think it might be a bit too far, even for Trevor (who by then will have his new baby with Grace), we do know that he's no stranger to hiding a dead body... 

Also, Patrick Blake is also on his way out, as he's suffering with Motor Neurone Disease. Having been given a time scale of two years to live, but knowing that Jeremy Sheffield is said to be leaving the role this year, will someone end Patrick's life before he succumbs to his terminal illness? 
Whether it's the body in the wall, the Gloved Hand or even, maybe the water tragedy... I think we'll be saying goodbye to Patrick before Winter arrives. 

What do you think?




Thursday, 9 July 2015

BIG BROTHER: Money on their mind

It's almost as if Sam Smith's song was made for the past few days in the BB house.
The Cashbombs that have exploded (at times, literally!) really do make you see people for who they are, and what they're after. And I'm not surprised, because to be fair none of them have changed THAT much.

When the Cashbomb week was announced, I was a little glad that Marc had been evicted, because I think with him there, it would have caused an uncomfortable to watch week.
First, there was the Nominations bomb. I do believe that those who rushed first to push the button, more so did because they wanted to save the money and had someone in mind to nominate, rather than get immunity for themselves.
When Cristian (and I think Danny?) both said they didn't want it to be a situation where they had to pick between their closest pals, I believe it was the truth.
These nominations, and the way they went weren't surprising.
What did shock me was Nick, choosing to bid £5000 to save himself and land Chloe on the block. No because it was Nick, but just because I didn't think any of them would. I was with Harry when she said that you should take your fate and get to the final week on your own merit. Nick has also become more and more strange on screen lately. The expressions he pulls... I think he'd unnerve me slightly.
Anyhow, it's now Chloe, Jack, Sam and Harry up for eviction and it's wide open, I think, over who will leave.

Chloe's shown a few different sides this week - but I'm still on hers...
Chloe has had quite a bit of airtime this week, because she's been very vocal about the Cashbomb tasks and the morals of those in the house, mainly Jack, and I've been agreeing with her. I like the fact that Chloe has a big opinion and even to her closest friend, will tell them the truth. Some people online have said it wouldn't have done her any favours, but I think it's shown a good side to her. We all like honesty, right? She could, however, have changed a few people's minds about her when she decided to keep £5000 to herself - and upset Danny a little in the process. Dan said that he thought Chloe would be the last person to do this... I agree, but having been sold down the river to be up for eviction by Nick for the same price, maybe she thought, 'Sod it, I'll do something for me!' I also liked her argument that Selfish Joel spent £2000 or so on a pizza, Jack would have spent £4000 on football scores and a suit, too. This is £5000 in her bank. And good luck to her!
I actually think it'll be between Sam and Jack this week - as Harry has also been quite moral this week, and she's another one who lets you know where you are with her. I'm still not her biggest fan, but she doesn't try to make a good point. Harry does just let herself down with her childish behavior...

The task from Tuesday's show, where they were offered the takeaway, or add money o the prize fund also made me dislike Joel a little.
When he said that he didn't mind about the money, because he doesn't need it, it showed a very selfish side to him. I think Joel is a typical politician (as I've said previously!) and he really is a bit of a nasty little man, only bothered about himself.
Jack's another one this week who's confused me slightly. I've not liked watching his 'only think of me' ways, but I do think it's age with him. He's still quite immature, and things that Jack think are funny, actually aren't sometimes. Harry was also right that he can't take criticism. Again, something which comes with growing up?

All in all, I'll put it out there now and hope either Danny or Chloe win!

Do you agree?