Wednesday, 10 June 2015

BIG BROTHER: Return of the... Who is She?!

While I don't think anything will follow the 'four in four out' twist just as greatly, I am looking forward to this weekend's Big Brother twist. 
As we know, Marc, Simon and Sam are all up for eviction. Or so they think... The public are in fact voting for who they want to go into hiding.
Where as this has been done before, a-la 'secret bedsit' this time round, the Timebomb theme means that housemates of old will be joining in too. 

It's been rumoured that Nikki Grahame will join last year's winner Helen Wood, along with the 'evicted' housemate in a  'secret lair', where they will spy to their hearts' content. 

I don't think I'm too surprised that Nikki has agreed to go back, for what will be her third time. She has, however, promised that she's mellowed a lot since her last time in the house. Nikki always seemed a nice enough girl, who doesn't beat around the bush, so entertainment will certainly be in store. 
Will she get on with Helen, though? As I said during last year's show, I found Helen a good housemate: honest, fair, and where some people called her a bully, I actually thought that she sometimes just didn't deliver her words very well. I was glad she won... And I will look forward to seeing her shake the house once again. 

As for who I would like to join them? Totally Marc...

The man's a menace, he's so irritating, I could scream at the tellybox on more than one occasion, but he's a bloody good housemate. 
Helen's already tweeted her support for him, and I just feel that he will really play the secret game well, without fear of him doing something 'just because.' He will think about his actions before doing them. 

Sam, I find, is false and Simon doesn't know whether he's on his head or his backside most of the time. 

I also think Marc could very easily irritate Nikki, which will be comedy BB gold! 

It's also been whispered that Gina Rio could also be making a Timebomb comeback into the lair, and she too, will be brilliant, especially alongside Helen and Nikki. 

Three headstrong women, and (possibly!) Marc... I can't wait! 





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