Monday, 29 June 2015

BIG BROTHER: Jack's up, and he ain't happy...

And by 'up' - I mean for eviction.

Yep, the once most popular is facing the public vote once again this week and Jack isn't looking too pleased.
The last remaining 'legend' housemate Aisleyne, along with Nick, went to give Jack support, and funnily enough it was these two only who nominated face-to-face, with everyone else doing it in the Diary Room, so I'll make a wild guess that Aisleyne and Nick didn't put Jack up.

Maybe Jack thinks that a couple of his friends did - as he now trusts 'no-one', apparently. I can't see this being the case though, and maybe it only took three noms (Sam, Marc and possibly Harry?) to leave him on the chopping board. Chloe did look sheepish in the video, though.

Coincidentally, it's also Sam, Marc and Harry who face eviction along with Jack. No surprises there!

Who will go? It's hard to say, but with Jack being so close to eviction last Friday, being second to Showbiz Simon, there's no wonder he's anxious. Who'd have thought that Harry and Sam would be saved before him, eh?
As for Marc, he's been immune for the last two weeks and there's mixed feeling about him on social media since his alliance with Helen, but I reckon he'll be safe. While I don't agree with a lot of his goading people, and some of his comments, he's too entertaining to leave before the final - and to be fair to him, I think underneath the facade, he's a nice boy.

As for Aisleyne being there, it's amazing how much she's changed since Helen and Nikki left. And it's for the worst. I kind of want her to leave the house - and Danny - alone.

BB's Hotel Hell opens today, too, with the first guest being John McCririck. Now this, I am looking forward to!





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