Tuesday, 15 July 2014

BIG BROTHER - Armageddon angst

With all the hype that surrounded last night's Armageddon Week launch, I was expecting a truly spectacular show, but to be honest, I was left feeling a tad disappointed. And no, not just because Kimberly's ex wasn't one of the new housemates (although, along with a bunch of other BB fans, we would've LOVED it).

To begin with, when I saw that Emma was hosting from the studio, I had a incline that the show wasn't going to be a built up as it was hyped. I wanted fireworks, the crowd outside, the new housemates going in with more of a bang.

Using the excuse of wanting to keep the eviction a surprise won't wash either - as back in the C4 days, I seem to remember Davina hosting a secret eviction and the crowd keeping schtum and playing along nicely.

Anyhow, the second blow was when the nominations weren't face-to-face as we all first thought, and as soon as we learnt Marlon was up, we all knew he'd be a goner, didn't we? Saying that - maybe even before the nommed housemates were announced, we could have put a few £££'s on Marlon being the chosen one.

Even Marlon popping out to see Emma in a borrowed dressing gown wasn't as exciting as could have been. I feel it's a shame he's gone on one hand, as he sealed his own fate, but on the other, he won't be missed as much as Jale already is...

We next met the three new housemates - former Pop Idol finalist Zoe (who was 'best buds' with Gareth Gates back in the day, remember?), Essex boy Pav and 'I'll have sex in the house' Biannca, who reminds me somewhat of Katie Price...

None of these three jump out at me as long-stay housemates, and not just because they're late arrivals.

I'm also slightly aggravated, in a protective kind of way, that these three newbies are going to kick out one of our originals - who are now all (apart from Helen) up for the chop this Friday. Usually, I don't mind a bit of a shake-up like this, but there's something about these three that I just can't take to, and would put money on them making, a. the wrong decision and b. a stupid decision. I know these tie in as the same thing, possibly. Which is just my point. These three are even making me want to back Ashleigh...so something must be wrong with them!

The good news came when we were told that we, as the public, are voting to evict one of the newbies... So that'll be one down and two to go, with any luck!

I really don't like being this negative about Big Brother, as I'm usually rooting for changes and twists.

No doubt that I'll enjoy Armageddon week, but only if our originals come out triumphant... Which I'm sure they will.

I've also watched BB long enough to know how quickly our opinions, as viewers, can change about someone we may not necessarily like today, so I am trying to keep an open mind about the next few days of Armageddon...

What do you all think?




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