Thursday, 5 June 2014

BIG BROTHER - The Power Trippers have entered, with one hell'ava twist!

They've arrived - and he's arrived! Yes Big Brother has stomped straight back in to our sofa-sitting lives and brought us one mahoosive twistingo!

First up Tamara - who loves power apparently. Hmm, well she definitely didn't over power the booing crowd, who took a dislike to her, possibly because she thinks she's 'better than everyone else' and the 'queen of manipulation.

Next in we saw Scouser Mark, who seems an outgoing bloke, with something to constantly say! He was given a warmer welcome than Tamara... Even though he looked much more vain! 

Third in we saw Helen, who had already been reported as going in to the house. She seems a nice girl to be fair, normal and down to earth but strong enough to stand her ground. Helen also hopes to change the perception that the public may already have of her. Good luck to her. 

Steven, a Managing Director - and Ed Miliband soundalike in my opinion! - was next in. He also likes power and I reckon he could have his nose put out of joint if there's another Alpha male in there... Mixed crowd reaction for him, and he's already said he takes no orders (apart from Big Brother), Simon Cowell is an idol of his and he's treating the BB experience as 'a holiday.' 

Housemate number five was Danielle, a part time model, who doesn't believe in sex before marriage, same-sex marriage or contraception. Oo-err... She came across a bit mardy to me, and was booed by the audience. With her strong views, there will definitely be controversy in that house. 

Winston the Essex boy was next in, with a little resemblance to Joey Essex, himself. Admitted to throwing up over a girl, having sex in the sea and running around Ibiza naked! Enter, Danielle! 
Had a good reception from the crowd, seems a lovely lad. Let's see what he gives us in the house! 

Lucky housemate number seven was Matthew who's a music grad. His voice wanted to send me to sleep right away, and I think he might need a big oomph to stand out amongst the bunch already in the house. He had a good reception and admitted to Emma that he felt weird, was 'shitting' himself and I actually thought he was going to do a Winston and be sick over a girl. (Namely Emma Willis!)

Next we met Kimberly, who already probably won't get on too well with Tamara. They both love power, and want control. Kimberly loves debating, and if she's as genius as she says, she could be in the running to play a very good game. 

Christopher, the journalist-ish (got to like him already!) was housemate nine. He also hates Kim Kardashian. We have two things in common now! Another one who's extremely argumentative, apparently, but I like him at first glance. He seems genuine and down to earth. He gets a thumbs up from me. 

The housemate taking us into double figures - and the final one to enter tonight - was Pauline - who went on tour with Kylie Minogue, and told her she thought her music was 'shit!' Amazing! She doesn't care about cigarettes and won't mind losing them for personal gain in the house... We've all seen the fag fireworks of previous houses - an ouch that will be! I like her, and so did the audience. As Emma said: she went down like a treat!

So, next, we the audience got to vote for who we wanted to go on a POWER TRIP. 

I chose Helen - she'd use it wisely, I thought, but wouldn't be afraid to stir things up a bit. We don't want too nasty, or too nice so early on, do we?

My choice clearly didn't mean a thing to Big Brother (or the general public!) as Pauline was chosen as the Powerful one. 

A good choice, still. This will be fun...

Pauline's first trip was to make a big decision in her control room, home of 'Iris' - I like what they did there (Eye, Iris) right?!

Listening to a snippet of each of the housemates entry videos, Pauline had to pick one to reward, where she chose Mark and one to punish, which was (after trying to remember!) Matthew, as she 'doesn't like intolerant people.' 

Matthew had to step into box number one and Mark into box number two. 

Lucky Mark won £5000! 

Unlucky Matthew, well he received exclusion from the first night in the BB house, being held in a David Blaine style box which went up like a rocket! 

And it's only just begun... Pauline, will have to make a decision, which they've never done before in the history of the show! 

(We'll also be meeting six new housemates)

Roll on tomorrow - for launch night number two!

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