We knew their names a few days ago, and now, we've met them all...
Big Brother: Time Bomb has messed with our housemates already, but before I get started on all that, here's my thoughts, so far, on the one's who have entered the most famous house in the world! (Possibly!)
He's a model who's had him bum in Vogue. Selfie obsessed king, who's just come out to his mum and wants to show her 'what he's about'. He looked like a zebra going in the house, and is hoping to find love, too.
Aaron looks a sweet guy, but I'm wondering if he will end up overshadowed by some of the bigger characters. I hope not as I think he will have a lot to offer, given the opportunity.
Adjoa seemed sweet enough. She is a Ministers daughter after all. Although 'seemed' is the operative word. Adjoa is obsessed with boobs and says she can be a 'psycho bitch', who will miss her phone to have 'phone sex'. Um. Maybe sweet enough wasn't the best description after all! This girl won't last, I don't think. Unless she does turn psycho bitch, we keep her in for entertainment and she then gets booted out. That's a possible!
Amy & Sally:
Oh dear. The twins have no idea what biological twins mean. Um, it's you, girls.
Can't be everyone's friend and finds an annoyance in everyone. They will stick up for each other no matter what by the looks of it. They will need to mingle separately in my opinion if they're going to last, otherwise they could be rejected by their fellow housemates. Counting as one housemate, I can't see this pair going far, to be honest. But then TIME can change things, as Big Brother is looking forward to proving.
Well she's not shy is she? Judgemental and not afraid to bite heads off. Will she live up to it in the house?
Chloe seemed loud and proud of it - she actually reminded me of Charlotte Crosby. She also wore no knickers, according to, well, herself. Can you see the resemblance?
I think she'll calm down and we will end up warming to her. If she lasts the week... and as long as she never says 'chuff in'ell' EVER again!
The rapper. Likes a good production and doesn't freestyle. He says he's 'pretty established' foes to one of the best Uni's in the world studying Biochemical science. Smart and a ladies man. Cristian could do well as long as he stays in his boots without getting too big for them.
He's suave, good looking and Emma almost made him blush on the spot. Maybe he's not as much of a ladies man as he likes people to believe!
Demolition Danny is also a good looking guy. He signed a semi-pro football contract and likes a beer. He also likes girls. Is he a TOWIE boy in the making?
Not a fan of 'stuck up' people, there could be a few clashes in the house. Danny seems a normal lad, competitive and in it to win it. He also says he won't play games. We'll see...
The eldest housemate, and the one who auditioned for The X Factor with her hubby, Bo. I do actually remember her!
Eileen seems eccentric and a fun ball of energy. Just what the Big Brother house needs!
For the eldest person in there, I'm betting she won't be the mother hen but more like the one growing old disgracefully... And I love it... I think!
Harriet's a chip off the old block isn't she. I like her. Says it how it is, effs, jeffs, and wears eggy dresses! She seems a hoot, a girls girl, one of the lads and didn't have a clue about the lights and cameras, or how to pose for them. The only one who doesn't seem phased by the 'showbiz' of it all. Harriet's one of my faves so far.
'Pie-face'... Oi! (As he likes to be called). He's on the prowl for fit birds and seems a sweetheart. Is he Joel's brother by any chance?!
I loved his hat for a fashion statement, the crowd loved him and I could see why. Seems a genuine guy on face value, and nice guys do come first. Jack, or Pie-Face, could do very well!
This Dublin high fashion girl thinks she's gorgeous and has no bad points. Even Eammon Holmes has never seen a girl liked her in Ireland! She's not shy, either. She's also polyamourous - meaning she likes am open relationship - which could prove interesting to watch! I actually think that she was the first normal one to go in, after Simon, Kieran and Chloe! And anyone brave enough to wear that outfit deserves a high five! Jaysus!
Its Ed Miliband's mini-me! Look at that red tie he wore! And the hand gestures!
This kid has a cat called Daisy, can't live without his slippers or dressing gown and rides a scooter, switching legs because one became shorter than the other!
Bless him. He seems really sweet... Looked a bit rabbit caught in headlights when he entered the house.
Compulsory fun and laughter is one of his policies. And anyone who wants that is alright by me!
How cute was Kieran's childhood photo! (Nice touch to going back in time, producers!).
I reckon he will be the big daddy of the house. Peacekeeper, the one people turn to. Everyone's friend. But these are also the types who get backs up in the end and land right on top of the 'unpopular' pile. Kieran seems a quirky soul. Maybe a show off too. Nice jacket and shoes, too, by the way! Not so sure on the high pitched voice he shouts out, though.
Joel is Ed Miliband's mini-me and Nick is David Cameron's, surely! His 'friends' use him for social climbing and he likes to talk about people behind their backs. He's been expelled for being unruly, and even though promised to have grown up, will he be the obvious first ejection?
Hopefully Chloe and Harriet can common Nick up a tad! I think he seems quite insecure to be honest and could turn into a likeable soul. Maybe.
Her mum says if she got paid for arguing then she'd be a millionaire. Sarah also doesn't think she's a nice person to live with and admits being a bitch. Nice language on her VT (that stands for video tape, Lemon fans), too. For her faults so far, I think Sarah could be one to keep an eye on. I think she'll be entertaining, and we will love to hate her.
Mr Showbiz, eh. Does he want to be Louis Spence? He's a self-acclaimed show off too. Says he'll stand up and tell the truth. This could work in his favour, especially if he's honest to the right people and the public agree with him. This is 'just another show' for him. 'Just Simon' needs to stay just that to be as FABULOUS darling as he wants to!
Then there was tonight's twisty-pops. What did you vote for? Wasn't it brilliant! Emma admitted she thought this was the best designed house ever. Well I'm close to admitting that this was the best first night twist ever.
I thought that Adjoa, Jack, Jade, Nick and Simon were a good variety of people to take part and the fact they chose their own fates made it a little easier on our consciences (cough cough!).
I was glad that Jack won three Immunity passes, as he seems so lovely. Nick, like a typical David Cameron mini-me, should be fine doing three face to face noms. Although he looked gutted!
Jade was thrilled with her luxury shopping budget to be used during her time in the house.
It was left between Simon and Adjoa. And pulling the pin on their bomb, Adjoa was saved, having nothing in her bomb, while Simon was evicted straight away. Say whaaaaat! In the shortest BB stay ever, at least he still had Best Bits!
I do have a feeling that this year will tip the scale on mind games... Will Simon be back? Will Adjoa really be safe for long?
Of course, lets not feel sorry for the woes our housemates are going to go through. Big Brother's been on the tellybox now long enough for any potential contestant to immediately guess all kinds of things that could happen whilst they're living in Brotherly matrimony!
After all, time is one thing that no one can change. Can they..?